El coro y la orquesta «Collegium Musicum» Costa del Sol fue fundado en 1975 por unos pocos amantes de la música que se asentaron en la Costa del Sol y que ha crecido año a año. El objetivo es enriquecer la vida de la comunidad internacional de la Costa del Sol a través del disfrute de hacer y escuchar la buena música.
Delyth Bressington ha sido la directora musical desde 2021 y dirige todos los ensayos con la ayuda de Britta Snickars en el piano. A través de su inspiración, habilidades lingüísticas y conocimientos musicales inspiran a los miembros con gran entusiasmo resultando en un gran éxito musical durante los conciertos.
Collegium Musicum
nuestra HISTORIA
Collegium Musicum fue fundado en 1975 por Anna-María Kater. Anna-María inició un pequeño grupo para hacer música en casa y poco después comenzó a dar pequeños conciertos en las iglesias de Mijas y Marbella. Su gran amor por la música clásica y por hacer música con personas afines marcó su impronta en la Costa del Sol. Le estamos muy agradecidos por haber empezado el COLLEGIUM MUSICUM. Anna-María falleció el 17 de septiembre de 1993, un día antes de su 80 cumpleaños.
Grupos con el nombre de Collegium Musicum existieron desde el principio del siglo 17 a mediados del siglo 18 en Alemania y Suiza y otra vez en el siglo 20 en Alemania. Significa que personas musicales de una región se reúnen (principalmente amateurs pero con algunos profesionales) con el fin de disfrutar cantando y tocando juntos.
El Collegium Musicum se convirtió en los precursores de toda vida pública de conciertos en nuestras sociedades. El “Collegium Musicum” más famoso existió en Hamburgo bajo la dirección de Georg Philipp Telemann y en Leipzig bajo la dirección de Johann Sebastian Bach.
La palabra “Collegium” significa “juntarse” en latín y no tiene nada que ver con la palabra ‘colegio’ en este sentido aunque provienen de la misma raíz.
¡Contrariamente a lo que el nombre del grupo sugiere: no somos ni universidad ni escuela!
Collegium Musicum en 1986
Delyth Bressington asumió el cargo de Directora Musical en 2021. Se unió a Collegium Musicum en 2004 y tocó viola en la orquesta y también fue pianista y acompañante de ensayo. También se especializa en hacer arreglos musicales para satisfacer las necesidades del grupo. Delyth es de Gales, es Licenciada en Música por la Universidad de Gales y pasó muchos años enseñando música en escuelas secundarias antes de mudarse a la Costa del Sol en 2003.
Bev comenzó sus estudios de violín a la edad de 5 años. Después de graduarse de la Universidad de Middlesex con un título en estudios de jazz con la voz como su primer estudio, comenzó a escribir su propio material. Tras una serie de exitosos conciertos en solitario en Berlín en 2007 Bev se unió al número 1 de la carta clásica del Reino Unido Los Baebes medievales y se fue a recorrer extensamente por todo el mundo tocando y escribiendo canciones para 3 álbumes de estudio. Bev lanzó su álbum debut Descalzo en su cocina en 2012 y sus canciones y su violín han aparecido en muchas bandas sonoras para piezas de teatro de danza. .Desde 2018 Bev ha estado ejecutando Canciones en lugares inesperados, una serie de su voz en solitario y violín mostrados en espacios inusuales que se mantienen en secreto hasta el día de la actuación. www.bevleeharling.com
charlotte nyborg – harp
Charlotte studied Harp & Piano at the Royal Danish Conservatoire in Copenhagen. After graduating she played with the Danish Radio Orchestra for 1 year before joining the Göteborg Theatre and from 1985 to 2010 she was the Harp Soloist at the State Theatre of Saarbrücken, Germany where she also taught at the University. Latterly Charlotte has worked in the USA, teaching at the Arizona State University and she has given solo recitals in many different countries, including Brazil, China and Japan.
juan carlos mela-euler -oli bass-baritone
Born in Columbia, Juan Carlos studied in the Conservatoire of Cali in Columbia and then moved to Cologne where he studied singing. After completing his studies in Vienna he was engaged as a soloist by several opera theatres in Germany, and he has given many concert performances in Seville, Amsterdam and Linz amongst others. Juan Carlos is now based in Frankfurt & Giessen where he also teaches singing.
phillip borje – tenor
Phillip graduated from Bath Spa University with a BA Honours degree in Music specialising in performance. He went on to complete a Post Graduate Diploma in performance studies at The Royal College of Music, London. Phillip’s stage experience includes leading roles in various operas and musicals and has vast soloist experience in works such as The Messiah, The Creation and The Christmas Oratorio. Phillip has sung throughout the UK, Germany, Spain, Netherlands and his Gibraltar and now combines full-time employment with a busy schedule of coaching and musical direction and performing.
Alinka kozári – soprano
Alinka is a graduate of the Franz Liszt Music Academy, Budapest and the National Opera Studio, London. After receiving her Master’s degree in Hungary Alinka was awarded the Weingarten Scholarship to attend the Birmingham Conservatoire where she was the winner of the Mario Lanza Opera Prize. On the concert platform, she has performed in Italy, France, Hungary and the UK as well as twice before with Collegium Musicum.
In 2014 Alinka sang the role of Donna Anna Don Giovanni for Miskolc National Theatre in Erkel Theatre, Budapest as part of the Primavera Festival, Hungary. She also sang in a charity gala with Bryn Terfel arranged by British Youth Opera in London. Alinka recently sang the title role in Händel’s Agrippina at Iford Festival and in the summer, she performed Donna Anna Don Giovanni with Miskolc National Theatre representing Hungary in Pilsen, Czech Republic as part of the European City of Culture 2015 Opera Festival.
sian winstanley – soprano
Siân was born in Cardiff; and studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. She graduated in 2009 with a distinction for her Masters and a bursary from the International Opera Awards al- lowed her to continue her studies at the Flanders Opera Studio. She has performed many operatic roles around Europe, a highlight of which was Mozart’s Queen of the Night from Die Zauberflöte. She was invited to become an Emerging Artist at Scottish Opera with whom she made her debut in 2011. Siân has sung with leading orchestras across Europe and has featured on BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio 3, Radio France and Radio Nacional de España con- ducted by Harry Christophers accompanied by the Granada Symphony Orchestra. As well as per forming, Siân is a highly-regarded singing teacher and directs a ladies’ chorus in the West of Scotland, where she now lives.
alexander mustafchiev – french horn
Alexander was born in Sofia, Bulgaria where he completed his studies at the Superior Conservatoire, graduating with the highest qualifications. Until 1990 he was the sub-principal of the Bulgarian Radiotelevision Orchestra and since then he has been the principal French Horn player of the Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra. Alexander has been a guest with the Bonn Chamber Orchestra and has appeared as a soloist in various chamber music concerts.
luis lopez navarro – baritone
Luis was born in Málaga. He started to study singing in 2007 with Francisco Heredia and is now studying at the Conservatoire of Music in Málaga. He has been a member of the Opera Choir in Málaga since 2007 and has sung solos in the Cervantes Theatre of Málaga in productions of “Jenufa”, “La Marsellesa” and “Zamarrilla, Bandolero”. He won 3rd prize in the Singing Competition of Young musicians of Marbella Crea 2014.
anthony roper – alto
Anthony is a native of Gibraltar who studied music at Bath Spa University specialising in performance. Anthony has taken part in many operatic productions as a soloist and also in various concert performances as alto soloist including Handel’s ‘Messiah’, Mozart’s ‘Coronation Mass’ & ‘Requiem’, Karl Jenkins ‘The Armed Man’, Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’, Pergolesi’s ‘Stabat Mater’, Purcell’s ‘Ode to St Cecilia’s Day’ and Monteverdi’s ‘In Ecclesis’.
His recital performances have included works by Elgar, de Falla, Britten and Carl Davis. Anthony has been teaching singing for a number of years and has always had a keen interest in helping develop young singer’s vocal techniques; currently he is a singing tutor at the Gibraltar Academy of Music and Performing Arts.